Problem when customers see error messages like :
«domain does not point to xxxxx account»
This message appears because of one of the following reasons :

a) the main domain is not pointed to our nameservers or it was pointed less than 24 hours ago . To fix this you need to set our nameservers for your domain :

You can view your nameservers information on your welcome email that you recieved while making signup with us. Please contact if you are unsure about this nameservers or DNS

b) customer uses his main ftp logins for addon domain . To fix this you should use ftp logins for the addon domain, the logins can be found in cpanel -->>> FTP accounts section . The logins should be as follows :
FTP login:
FTP password: yourpass

c) addon domain points to the folder named «» , and it should be pointed to «xxx» folder without '.com' at the end . To fix this you need to re add your addon domain and point it to «xxx» folder .

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