We provide 24/7 live chat and helpdesk support. When you contact us via live chat it is recommended to start the chat session providing us with your account details(the domain name you signed up with and your billing password). We require those details for verification purposes to be sure you are the owner of the account you are contacting us about. If you forgot your password for the billing control panel you can reset it via the forgot password feature at http://www.webhostingpeople.net/billing/clientarea.php .Make sure to have those details available before contacting us to save our technical support represenatives' time and they can use it to serve other clients.
In order to be able to provide you with the help you expect and resolve your problem, we need a detailed explanation of the issue including login information and steps to see the problem on our end. Provide us with the error messages you are getting and details how we can see the error messages on our end. Inform us if you made any changes before the error messages occured and what they were. All that will help us identify the cause of the problem and resolve it permanently for you.
If the problem is more complicated and you need to provide us with login details to investigate you should open a ticket rather than opening a live chat session since we may need more time to investigate and resolve the problem. More time means about 15-20 minutes. If it takes longer will update your ticket informing you we are working on your issue and it takes longer to be resolved. That time needed depends on how complicated the problem is.
Not following the recommendations above will result in delays for the resolution of your problem and we will need to ask you to provide us with more information and steps to see the problem on our end. It's best to provide us with that information at the beginning with your first response so that our first response resolves your problem instead of asking for more information. In 80% of the cases, we need to ask for more information because the client didn't provide us with enough details about the problem. Provide us with the best and detailed explanation you can provide and we will resolve your issue with the first response. That will save both yours and ours time.
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