• Domain name
  • cPanel username
  • cPanel password

Please note we need those details for each account you want us to migrate. If you don't know the passwords of your accounts and you don't want to change them you can also upload full backups to your account on our server and ask us to restore them. In order to create those backups we advise you to follow the steps below.

1) Login to your account with us and create an account with enough disk space so that you can upload all backups from the old server to it. If your accounts on the old server use 2GB space assign at least 3GB space to the new account.

2) Login to WHM with the old provider and click on List accounts.

3) Click on the cPanel icon for each account to login to it.

4) Once you are in cPanel click on Backups and then Generate a full backup. In the backup generation options choose the backup to be generated remotely. For ftp hostname enter the IP address from your welcome e-mail with us. For username and password enter the details of the cPanel account you created on our server. The ftp port and dirctory fields can be left empty for default settings.

5) Click on the Generate button to generate the backup. Allow enough time for the backup to be created and uploaded to our server. Once that is completed you will see the backup file uploaded to your account on our server.

6) Perform the steps for each account you need migrated and open a ticket with us once all backups have been uploaded to our server and ask us to restore them.

Do not change the nameservers of your domain name before we confirm your accounts has been successfully transfered and you verify everything is fine with them. Once you change the nameservers make sure to allow a minimum of 24 hours for DNS propogation and we recommend to have the old account online for at least 72 hours to avoid downtime during the DNS propogation.

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